Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow Day! Part Three (& technically Four)

Well, I know y'all (you know, the one person that reads my blog..haha) are sick of these posts, but I am obviously just so excited about the snow we got at the beginning of the week and I really want to document all of the fun things we've been doing!

Wednesday, after playing out in our own yard for a while, we decided to venture out (the roads have been awful) to a neighborhood about a mile away and go sledding. It was my first time and the girls first time too, of course. Oh my word...we had SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!! Lucy wasn't too thrilled about sitting in the cold in her carseat, but she survived. Addy was whiny after a little while, but Emmy kept on truckin' for the most part!

After our adventure, we went to a local BBQ place where my little sister works and ended up talking her into coming over Thursday while the babies were napping so that Tim and I could take Emmy by herself. I can't believe what a big girl Emmy is! She went sledding down some BIG hills all by herself! She was a little scared at first, but ended up braving up and was going down like a pro in no time!

Tim and I keep laughing because we think we've finally found our thing we like to do together. I'm so glad we are happy with each other after being together for 6 1/2 years! haha! j/k! Anyway, we had a blast, but I am really feeling it now! I am already so sore and so tired! Oh well. It was worth it.

I found a heart-shaped piece of snow/ice :)

On our way to go sledding! Every time we have gone anywhere in the past few days Addy excitedly says, "We're widin' in da snow!"

My first time sledding! I was a little scared!

This is what Lucy thought about everything!

Daddy & Addy going down! I love Addy's face in this!

Daddy & Emmy going down!

Daddy, Emmy & Addy

Mommy, Emmy & Daddy on our sledding date!

Love this!

Mommy & Daddy can have fun, too! (Emmy took this!)

Time to try it with Mommy!

Here we go!!!!!

Emmy going down all by herself! (She started at the top like all the other pictures)

The snow is now melting slowly, but surely. What a fun time we've had this week! I'm so thankful!


Laurie said...

Fun stuff! Feel free to take some of our snow and keep it. :) I'm over it already and we still have 2 months to go.