It's hard to believe that 3 years ago at this time, I was laying in bed anxious, excited, scared, and almost 41 weeks pregnant with our precious little Emmy. Everyone told me that time would go by fast, but I never really knew how fast it would go by. Another thing that was told by many was that I would never know how much I could love someone until I had a child. They were absolutely right! I thought I would take a little time tonight to write out all of the things that I love so much about her. I hope that one day she can look back at this and understand the joy that she has brought to me.
*I love your outgoing personality.
*I love that when we go out or you have friends over, you are so friendly and welcoming. (You get that from your Daddy. I joke and say he would talk to a tree stump if it would talk back!)
*I love that you're always doing goofy things to make people laugh. Where in the world did you get your sense of humor?!?! Ahem...
*I love how you really seem to care about people. I remember when Granny had been so sick a couple of months ago, one of the first things you said to her was "are you feeling better, Gwanny?"
*I love that after me or Daddy reads to you at night you always say "Mommy, pwease wub me for a minute and give me a hug and a kiss." You then proceed to give me a big hug and say "MmmmmmM!" and "I lub you, Mommy!"*I love how you always start to say "God is great..." before we eat.
*I love how you've welcomed your baby sister into our family. You never ONCE have acted jealous towards her. You've loved her from day one and I think it is so precious!
*I love how when I ask you where God is you say "He's in Heaven wif Gramma Kaffy and Gwanny." You don't know how much that means to me.
*I also love how you already say that Jesus lives in your heart.
*I love how in the morning after you've been in your highchair for a while watching PBS kids I come out of my room and you almost never fail to say "Goodmorning Mommy!"
*I love how when I leave you with anyone or at Mother's Day Out you get sad if I don't give you a hug and kiss before I leave.
*I love how you light up when you see your Daddy.
*I love how you memorize books and then tell me you will "read" them when it's bedtime.
*I love that you're independent. (Even when it's frustrating to me!)
*I love that when you go to the corner crying you calm down and say "Mommy, I'm weady to apowigize."
*I love how you still rub your hair when you're sleepy. You've done that since you were a baby.
*I love that when we watch a movie and you like it, we watch it every day for several weeks...well, I don't know that I LOVE it, but I think it's pretty funny :-).
*I love how you remember people, even if you only see them once or twice a year.

*I love that the first time I held you, you immediately stopped crying when you heard my voice.
*I love that since you were born you've made me want to be a better person. I believe that even though you weren't "planned", the Lord used our situation for good, and gave our family an 8lb 13oz gift on what would have been one of the hardest Christmas's in my life. The Lord has taught me how to be more patient, loving, and giving through you.
Emmy,This list could go on and on and on! I hope that you will always know how much your Mommy and Daddy love you! You have been such a blessing to our family. I thank God for giving me a little girl like you. My prayer is that you will always know how special God made you. I hope that you will grow to love Jesus and grow in Him each day. Remember that you are His child and His masterpiece. You are beautifully and wonderfully made.
I love you sweet baby girl! Happy Birthday!Mommy