Saturday, October 31, 2009


Tonight we enjoyed a trunk-or-treat at our church. It is basically the same as trick-or-treating, but a lot of the church members meet at the church, decorate their cars in whatever theme they want, and give out candy out of their trunk. We had SO much fun! We were so thrilled to have a TON of people come to this event. It's always neat to just get to meet new people and invite them to the other activities going on at our church. I think things like this are a wonderful outreach. Plus, it gives kids a safe and loving environment.

My little girls looked SO cute. After looking at costumes in a few different stores, I decided that there was no reason for us to buy a $30 costume for Emmy, when she had at least 5 different things that she likes to dress up in. She decided this morning that we was going to be Cinderella. Sounded good to me! I decided to go all out and make her hair curly with a curling iron. After I did that, I put a little of my make-up on her! She LOVED it :-). We did decide, however, that Emmy is much prettier without makeup. I wish that was the case with me! ha! A sweet friend of mine let me borrow her little girls old lady-bug costume. Addy looked precious and was so excited to see herself in the mirror after I put it on her. She looked so cute with her little wings flapping behind her as she walked around!

Cinderella and my little lady bug.

Two pictures in a row of them BOTH looking at the camera. It's a MIRACLE!

On the way to Trunk-or-Treat. She was SO excited! Look at those eyelashes, by the way! She got it from my Momma!

Addy was excited, too!

One of my favorite cars and costumes. She did a great job!

My jungle man. Our van had a jungle theme :-). He gave out the candy with that giraffe thing that's in his hand. When you squeeze the handle, its mouths opens.

Cinderella and Ariel. This little girls Mom made her costume AND made her little sister a Flounder costume. They were SOOOO cute!

Trick or treat!!!!

I can't believe I didn't get any pictures of Addy at the Trunk- or -Treat! She just rode around in her stroller a lot of the time. I hope that you all enjoyed your evening as much as we did! Also, just in case you didn't notice, I just published a post I started on Wednesday right before I published this. Goodnight!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Emmy's Fall Party

Today has already been such a fun day! After I dropped Emmy off at school, I headed to Target. What a great way to start the morning! I don't know about you, but Target just puts me in a good mood. I could do SO much damage to our budget there :-). I had to rush a little because I had to be back at Emmy's preschool for her Fall party. It's ok, though. I got some great things on sale and also got a new little sweater wrap dress.

After my little shopping trip, I dropped Addy off at her Grandmommy's house and headed to Emmy's school for her fall party. It was so much fun! They has chicken nuggets and chips and also some yummy treats. I signed up for desserts and thought I did a great thing by going to Walmart and picking out a cute little orange pumpkin shaped tray of orange sprinkled pumpkin shaped cookies. When I showed up, I noticed that the other Mommy who signed up for desserts made these little hand made treats. They were little owls made of moon pies on a stick with an opened oreo for eyes, a candy corn beak and cute little hand embellishments made of icing to really make it look like an owl. Oh yeah, they were also all individually wrapped with a curly ribbon tied around the bottom. It looked like something my Mom would have done! I guess I need to get on the ball!

After lunch, the other Mom's and I went into the other classroom to get a head start on the scare crow that each class was to make. The scare crows are going to be displayed at the fall festival at the church where Emmy goes to preschool. The people who attend it will judge them and the class that wins will get another special lunch one day! (They usually don't eat lunch at school because she gets out at 12.) After getting most of the scare crow put together, we took it in for the children to stuff. Wow. They fought over who's turn it was and pretty much didn't care about what they were doing. One of Emmy's creative teachers decided to give them all some orange felt and let them cut out triangles, circles, and squares and one of their names was written on each shape and then glued on the overalls like a little patch. Needless to say, the Mom's did most of the work. It still had a personal touch, though!

I really enjoyed getting to have that time with Emmy today. The past couple of years I have worked at her school, so I couldn't be involved much with her class. I had my own class to take care of! It was so nice to get to focus on her and help with whatever was needed. It was also cool to see her with all of her little friends acting like such a big girl! Before I know it, she's going to be in KINDERGARTEN! My, how time flies by!

I hope that you are all enjoying Fall as much as we are. I LOVE this time of year. The colors are absolutely beautiful here. Emmy is even noticing how pretty the leaves look! On the way to church Sunday she said "Mommy, look at all the colors! There's red, green, purple and gold!" It was a perfect opportunity to talk about how awesome God is and give her yet another reason to praise Him! Good times...
Emmy's BFF, Brooklynn. They are inseparable.

Lunch time!

Emmy's class with their scare crow.

I took this photo later on during this day before we went to church. I think it's my favorite picture ever. :-) (Laurie, do you think you can work with this?)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A New Life

Since Tim and I got married, we have always talked about how many children we would have, what we would name them, how we would raise them, etc. I guess you could say that once we had Emmy-we were in love with being parents and couldn't wait to have another one! After Addy came along, I realized that kids are a lot of work. Don't get me wrong, having a second child pretty much confirmed why I love being a Mommy so much, but I was tired and felt like 2 little girls were perfect. I had always pictured myself with 2 girls, so it seemed like our little family was great the way it was. Ironically, God had other plans.

A few months ago, Tim and I started looking at houses. We decided that this isn't the right time for us to buy, but it did make us think a little further into our future. One day, I just basically said "Tim, do you think that we will have any more children?" He grinned from ear to ear and said "Yep!" (I'm glad that he had figured that out already, because I had NOT! LOL) Next thing I know, on August the 7th, I was looking at a positive pregnancy test. And just to get this out in the open you CAN get pregnant while breastfeeding AND on birth control! I know that was a litte TMI, but wanted to make it clear that we were not planning to have our kids this close together. That's why this child's name will be Serendipity-the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident. :-) Ha! (I'm j/k, by the way.)

Today, I'm 14 weeks and 1 day pregnant. Tim and I got to experience an ultrasound together this morning. It's so cool how every pregnancy, every new life, is so exciting. It is amazing to see that little baby wiggling around on the screen inside of me when just 8 weeks ago it wasn't even recognizable. I am in awe of God's power.

I hope that you are all just as excited as we are about our news! My hands are full already, so I ask that will pray for me! The enemy is really good at controlling your thoughts and at times I am overwhelmed by the thought of what my life will be at the end of April! However, I know God will provide the patience and strength that can only come from Him. I am also praying that I will be able to ignore those lovely comments that people like to make when you're pregnant. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Thank you all for your prayers and support! I am excited to be able to document this pregnancy on my blog! I didn't have a blog when I was expecting the girls, so this should be fun! Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I'm Still Here

I'm still here guys! I'm just kind of blank about what to write about these days! I will have something exciting soon.... I PROMISE! Thanks to those of you who check it often!