Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring is here!!!!!!

The weather is awesome here! We have a great park that's a little less than 10 minutes away from our house. The girls and I went on Wednesday during the day and last night Daddy got to go with us, too! We had a blast both times! I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time there this summer!

It's so sweet to see them swinging together!

She says "Out. In. Out. In." While she's swinging!

We took Emmy's bike with us last night.

This will probably be Addy at the park until July or August...

Emmy took money from her piggy bank so that she could buy a popsicle from the ice cream truck that always shows up at the park. This was an extra special treat for her!

Apparently, Addy LOVES to swing. This was her the whole time!

I think that I risked the safety of my children to take this pic, but I think it was worth it, don't you? haha I'm j/k! I was right at the bottom of the slide literally looking down at them to take it!

Have a wonderful weekend! I'm headed to Seveirville this weekend for a shower for my nephew, Brayden. I can't wait to get my hands on him!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I praise You for...

*I created this on Wednesday. I didn't plan on posting it because once I read through it, I realized that the reason I did it was to put some things in perspective. I usually use my sisters lap-top to upload my pictures, but it's acting silly. Tim's is so old that I'm afraid to load them on his! Anyway, hopefully I will be able to post a blog with pics soon! Sorry for the inconvenience! :-)

I was reading a blog that I read often and Kelly did a post about how so many people are going through tough times, but there are still so many things to praise the Lord for! I thought this was a great idea, so I'm going to be a copycat!

PRAISE: It is beautiful outside today! The girls and I went to the park earlier and it literally felt like summer!

PRAISE: Today, I have one little girl that is sitting in her pink chair right in front of me eating Cheetos and NOT taking a nap, but I'm going to praise Him because I have her. She is a little ball of energy who is causing me to go bald (Ha!) , but I am STILL going to praise Him because He gave her to me and for that I am so thankful.

PRAISE: In my bedroom, I have a snoozin' baby girl in her pack-n-play. She is such a happy baby and slept very well last night! She has been a wonderful addition to our family!

PRAISE: Tim has been sick off and on for the past several weeks. He went to the doctor for the second time in a week yesterday and is feeling much better today!

PRAISE: It's Wednesday which means Tim will take Emmy to church for a little while tonight while I get some things done around my house!

PRAISE: Tim has a good job and can provide for us. We always have plenty of food to eat, a nice home to live in and our health.

PRAISE: My girls have 2 sets of grandparents and a lot of other family members to love on them close by.

PRAISE: Just a FEW other things that bring me happiness: Blogging, Sonic Cokes, dates to Carrabba's with Tim, Beth Moore, big hair bows and headbands for my girls, laughing with Hannah and her friends about something stupid, Facebook, spending time with my aunt, rainy days with nothing to do, dancing to Travis Cottrell praise and worship music with Emmy, Saturday nights, text messaging, the new Yoga class I'm taking, nap time, Wednesday morning Bible studies, my niece and nephews, when Tim gets home from work or calls me from work and when Emmy and Addy smile at me.

What are praising Him for? I am counting my blessing today and I want to count yours, too!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mandisa CD Giveaway!

My friend Stephanie is hosting giveaway of Mandisa's new CD "Freedom"! I love Mandesa and the way she using her gift for the Lord! If you want to try to win it then go to her blog and follow the rules to enter yourself into the random drawing! Have a wonderful Tuesday!

Here's a link to the video of "Voice of a Savior", my favorite song of her's.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Oh where, oh where has my Emmy's nap gone?

Oh where, oh where has my Emmy's nap gone

Oh where, oh where can it be

With her quiet times short and her rowdy times long

Oh where, oh where can it be

After about an hour of trying to get her to have "rest" time...I gave up and put on Baby Einstein...

5 minutes later because she wouldn't sit still to watch it (keep in mind she's been at Mother's Day Out all day) so I made her go to her room...yes, this is real and yes, it was a lot worse in person. I think she's demon-possessed sometimes, actually...

I know I'm such a horrible mother for posting this. Not to mention the fact that I'm blogging during this monumental meltdown. Yes, she is screaming at the very moment saying "but my eyes aren't sleepy", "but I'm scared of the dark", the newest "my tummy hurts", oh, this is even better, "Addy needs me! Addy wants me!"

Oh, wait!

Approximately 30 minutes after the first, this was not planned!

Oh, the joy of Motherhood!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

I'm SO sorry that I've neglected my blog lately! I feel like this is the first time I've had a chance to catch my breath in weeks! One of us has been sick for at least a month, I started the Esther Bible study a few weeks ago (which I love, but means I need to choose that over blogging when I have free time), I joined a gym almost 3 weeks ago and have tried to go every day that it's opened, the Mother's Day Out program that I work at takes out 2 days out of my week and all that on top of cleaning, laundry, The Bachelor (Did I really just admit that I've been watching that? Shame on Me!) and every other household chore has really kept me busy! Oh yeah, and now I have TWO mobile children! That's right, y'all! Addy's crawling! Well, she actually slithers more than crawls, but you get my point. It's so cute, but I can already tell that my hands are really going to be full in the coming months. I knew that this whole having 2 kids thing was going to catch up with my sooner or later! lol It's ok, though! I always say "my hands are a good kind of full", full of my beautiful baby girls, but full for sure! That's why God gave me 2 arms, right?

Addy can ride in the car buggy with Emmy now!

We haven't had a lot of "big" things happen recently, but there are some min-events that have taken place...

The biggest one is Addy crawling, of course. Emmy has been so cute with her since she's learned. When we put Addy on the floor to do her thing, Emmy always says "Come on, Addy! You can do it!" As she begins to "slither" she says "She's doin' it! She's doin' it!" I'm so proud of Emmy! I thought that she would get jealous when Addy had milestone's because of the lack of attention on her, but it's been the opposite. She's as happy as Tim and I are!

Emmy cracks us up all the time by the things she says! The other day she said to Hannah "Nah-Nah, how old are you?" Hannah said "18." Emmy, with a very distraught look of her face, gasps and puts both hands in front her face saying "But I don't have enough hands for that!" It was sooo funny! She also has begun to tell us stories of when she was a little girl, because now she's a big girl, of course.

Addy has made it pretty clear that she doesn't like baby food. Every time I put a bite in her mouth she spits it out. We've tried everything- vegetables, fruits, rice cereal, but she's NOT having it! I talked to the doctor about it briefly the other day, and she said that I can try some soft table foods with her. When I got home, I opened up a jar of Emmy's Gerber diced carrots and cut each one in half or in thirds depending on how big the piece was. She ate several bites of them and "gummed" it! How weird is that? I also tried some fresh banana cut up the same way and she did the same thing! She won't eat baby food carrots or bananas, though! We did everything with Emmy by the book so this is driving me nuts! I'm going to keep trying baby food every day until she's a little older, just in case she changes her mind!

Oh yeah, and I mentioned going to the doctor, right? Well, Thursday, we were at Mother's Day Out and I was playing with Addy as she laid on my lap. She was giggling with her mouth wide opened when I noticed a weird rash on her tongue. I freaked out because earlier that day I had given her a Ritz cracker for the first time because she was so fussy while she watched the other kids eat their lunch. I just knew it was all my fault and that I shouldn't have given her that cracker since she was so young. I grabbed my phone and called the doc. They told me to bring her in. To make a long story short, she basically has this thing called geographic tongue. I had noticed a weird looking thing on her tongue a few weeks before, so I was watching it and planning on showing it to the doctor at her check-up this week. Basically, there's nothing really wrong. It just means she has a shape on her tongue that looks like a continent (hence, geographic) and it also causes the taste buds to have a raised appearance (the rash). I almost cried when I admitted to the doctor before she gave me the diagnosis that I had given her a cracker. I knew that I was going to get the world's worst mother award! more little story and I'll show you a few pictures....

Emmy has made a new friend. This little girl is 7 and Em wants to be JUST like her. I mean, even to the point of Emmy wanting to wear her hair in a ponytail everyday because that's how this little girl wears hers. Anyway, since this has all went down, I decided to have a little talk with Emmy the other night. For 20 minutes I was trying to explain to a 3 year old that she was beautiful and special just the way God made her. She kept saying "but Mommy, I want to do gymnastics like her and I want a pink jacket like her and I want to go to school like her, etc." (and by the way, she has also said for months that she wants to dye her hair red like Ariel) FINALLY, Emmy got the point and I said, "Now Emmy, how did God make you?" she said "Beautiful!" then I said "Who do you want to be like?" she then said "Hmmmm...I want to be...I want to be like, Emmy!" Y'all, am I crazy? To me this was a very important conversation to have and I know I have MANY, MANY, MANY more of these to come. Lord, please give me wisdom!

Growing like a weed!

Emmy, you are so beautiful and perfect-just the way God made you! Always know that!

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14