First of all, let me just say...God is SO good!
I think the last time I updated, we were waiting on the vote for the church that we were hoping God would call us to. Well, they voted us in almost unanimously and we have now been there for a little over a month. The people in this church have been such a blessing to us. They have welcomed us with opened arms and encourage and love on us like we've been there for years and years. Things have been very busy, but we like to say it's a good kind of busy! :-)
Anyway, besides the new church, we have had a few other things go on. On June 20th Emmy was in a wedding in Mississippi. Her job was to run down the aisle with a Mississippi State cowbell yelling "The bride is coming! The bride is coming!" If you know Emmy at all, you know how perfect of a job this was for her! The wedding was at 8 PM, 9 PM our time. She did exactly what she was supposed to with the exception of her tripping right when she got to the front of the sanctuary and then deciding that she was done standing on the platform after about 2 minutes and wandering around the church until she found Tim. It was a lot of activity for just a few days, but we had a great time and we were very honored that Whitney, the bride, wanted our little girl to be a part of her big day.
Emmy taking directions at the rehearsal
And...there she goes! We don't have any of the front of her in the wedding. She was too fast! (Someone else got some, though :-})
beautiful bride! She looked like a brunette Barbie doll!

Right when we got home from MS, Tim literally
un-packed and re-packed his suitcase to go with our new pastor to
Louisville, KY for the Southern Baptist Convention. He was gone from Sunday-Thursday leaving me at home all week by myself. On top of that, I was puppy-sitting my in law's new puppy. I was so worried about not being able to handle the girls, the dog and whatnot, but I made it and am actually very proud of myself! I hear that now I'm a youth ministers' wife I need to get used to my hubby being away a lot during the summer. I guess it was good that I got some practice before next summer comes around!
Addy with Annie-the puppy were baby-sat. Emmy was an AWESOME helper, too! Every time it was time to take her potty Emmy would pick her up and we'd all go outside. When Annie was done, she would pick her up and bring her in. Emmy is becoming such a big girl! So is Addy :-{!

We celebrated July 4
th a little differently this year. Every year our new church does an outreach at a park right near the church. Tim was there from 8AM-4PM handing out
flyers about our
VBS while some other members painted faces, handed out balloons and offered free waters to the people enjoying the festivities. That night we all went over to my aunts house to enjoy a cookout and then Tim, the girls and I all went back to the park we had spent the day at and watch some beautiful fireworks. Emmy LOVED it and so did Addy,
surprisingly. One of our friends that met us for the fireworks brought Emmy some
glow sticks. During the display, she started throwing them up in the air and cheering. I got onto her because I didn't want her to be a distraction. She then said, "Mommy, I'm making fireworks!" It was too cute, to I didn't make her stop! We ended up not getting home until about 11, but it was worth it! We all had an awesome time!
Our little family before we left for the fireworks. Look closely, and you can see a big butterfly painted on Emmy's face. She was so sad when we had to wash it off!

Emmy's new
BFF's from church. They are a little older than her, but it's actually making he act a little older when she's with them. This is a bittersweet thing!

Vacation Bible School is going on this week. I am working with 4 and 5 year olds and we have had at least 10 each night, so far. Tim has planned out an awesome week for the youth. They are calling it Youth Camp and the theme is "Planted". They have averaged over thirty kids(6th-12th grades) every night. 3 have accepted Christ as their personal Savior and several others have re-dedicated their lives to the Lord and joined the church. We are so amazed and humbled to see the way God is moving and how He is using us. I'm getting chill bumps just typing this!
To say the least, these past few weeks have been
overwhelming from one extreme to another. However, in ALL honesty, God's goodness has exceeded my
expectations of anything I could have ever thought up and I don't think that saying "thank you" to Him would do any justice for all He is doing for us.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21