Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th Recap

We pretty much celebrated the 4th of July on the 3rd this year since the real holiday fell on a Sunday. We had a wonderful day of spending time with church members, family and watching fireworks!

Our church is involved in an outreach every year at a local park where we hand out fliers, do face painting, spray kids (and sometimes adults hair) with wash-out color, give out balloons and free water. It's a great way for the community to hear about our church and it is always right before VBS, so we can share about that, as well! The girls I headed to that even around 10 AM and stayed until 2 PM or so. They did great and the weather was really nice!

Emmy after she got her face painted

After naptime, Hannah came over and we headed over to Tim's parents house to eat a quick supper. We then went over to his neighbors to swim because we hadn't seen them in awhile. They had a little diving board and Emmy jumped right off without skipping a beat! I couldn't believe it! She is getting to big. Addy would walk up on the board and say she wanted to jump, but would chicken out at the end of it. We had a such a fun time and we really enjoyed spending time with friends!

Nah-Nah and Emmy

Fearless Emmy

Fearful Addy

Silly Lucy and Nah-Nah

I don't think they love each other at all. What do you think? :-)

Our next adventure for the day was the fireworks at the same park that we had the outreach at. We got there early to get a good spot and waited for them to start. Soon after they started Addy was falling apart because she was scared and Emmy said she was tired. Lucy didn't really have an opinion. (That's the norm for her unless she's ready to eat. LOL) We decided to just leave because it wasn't that big of a deal. I'm sure these things will be easier when the girls get older!

Emmy watching the fireworks on a 4 wheeler with Lila and Mrs. Kim

Nah-Nah, Lucy and Mommy

Scared Addy, Sweet Daddy, Sleepy Emmy, and Silly Nah-Nah

The big girls when we got home. They look pretty innocent, huh? Don't be confused. They're NOT! LOL

We had a wonderful day and really enjoyed getting to spend time together doing fun things. I'm so glad we had a fun day with only minor interruptions!


Laurie said...

So much fun! Emmy is AWESOME jumping off that diving board! She needs to give my timid water babies a few lessons. By the way, is that Sharon in the background? I couldn't tell if you meant you went to one of R&L's neighbors or yours...anyway, if that's Sharon, then I'm shocked! Haven't seen her in years and she was a gangly little preteen then! Loved the pics! We didn't even bother with fireworks this year. Luke never would have enjoyed them and we were too exhausted from the whole crazy week. We could see a few from our house, though. Anyway, loved this post!

Haley said...

Yes it was Sharon! She is 19 now and is one of those people that makes you sick because of how good she looks in a bathing suit! LOL She's a sweetheart, though. She really loves my girls.