Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day! Part Two

We had another fun time in the snow today! We started it off with Snowman pancakes and bacon! I got the idea from a friend when it snowed at Christmas and decided last night that I would make them. They turned out so cute and Emmy said, "These are the best pancakes I have ever had in my life!" Tim said that he agreed! Made me proud.

After I got the kitchen cleaned up, I bundled the big girls up and Tim took them outside while I got Lucy down for a nap. When I got out there they had almost finished a snowman. It was so cute! The snow was a lot easier to work with today-it wasn't as powdery as it was yesterday.

We had a ball and ended up building two snowmen and Tim built a big "slope" so that the girls could sled down it since our neighborhood is flat and the roads were too icy for us to drive to a better sledding location.

Again, I am so thankful for days like this. I am going to be SO sad when it all melts and it is back to reality. :(

Emmy and Addy making their own snowman. They kept on eating the snow that stuck to their gloves. It was hilarious!

 Me and Timmy

 The big girls and their "Princess Snowman" (I guess Snowwoman is the correct term! ha!) She is definitely wearing a tutu and a crown.

 The snowman I built for our neighbors. They have been at her parents house, so I surprised them with a snowman. I hope they liked it!

 Daddy and Emmy gathering up an ENORMOUS ball of snow for the slope he was building for them to sled down.

 We had a real sled, but it just didn't slide much because of the consistency of the snow. I ended up getting one of our big bin lids and it worked perfectly for our little slope! Addy is going down in this picture.

 Emmy going down!

I kept catching Addy snacking on the snowman's carrot nose. Sooo funny! One of it's grape eyes and it's orange slice mouth mysteriously disappeared, too. Hmmm....

 Daddy may or may not have broken our lid...

 Addy was NOT ready to go inside!

 Emmy sliding down head first one last time!

 This is what Lucy was up to when I found her :-)

 I hope she'll like the snow someday! For now, she just enjoys it from the inside!

 Fun in my highchair!


Laurie said...

Oh my word, that picture of Addy eating the snowman's nose is the greatest!!! Love her!